How Long Should You Keep the SR22 Form For?

Getting an SR-22 often changes a few things for you when you live in a state that requires this certificate. Being in a state where the SR22 requirement cannot be bypassed implies that you either avoid offences which trigger it or maintain the form for the ideal period.

Here, we take you through the ideal duration of holding this proof of insurance especially when your insurance company has issued it to you. Also, you'll understand the consequences of committing any SR-22 offence and the best ways to maintain the form when you have it.

Remember that your state determines how this insurance works for you. So, the first step here is figuring out how the requirements work in your state. And if you're planning to relocate to a state that doesn't require this form, get informed on the changes you need to make.

What are the Effects of the SR-22 Penalty?

The SR-22 penalty generally follows driving infractions such as overspeeding, accidents, license defaulting, among others. Now, when you're guilty of SR22 driving crimes, the DMV demands that you file the form to prove your auto insurance. And it usually involves you asking your insurance provider to file it in your behalf.

However, this process can come with expensive consequences which include the following:

  • Losing your ability to drive above a specific limit
  • The need to change insurance provider if the current one doesn't issue the SR-22 certificate
  • Paying higher costs of insurance since your insurer now knows insuring you will cost them more
  • Bearing the tag “high-risk driver”
  • If you don't own a car and you go for the non-owner's SR22 insurance, you cannot drive any car within your household
  • Failure to renew your insurance at the appropriate time could lead to a suspension of your driver's license
  • And some other forms of driving record monitoring.

These consequences apparently pose some form of threat to your freedom as a driver. But they aren't necessarily negative, since they are designed to keep the road safe for all road users.

Now, to the most delicate part of this process – how long should you have the SR-22?

How Long Does SR-22 Insurance Last?

The validity duration of your SR22 is tied to a number of factors. What is the recommended number of years in your state? Is your auto insurance valid? Have you committed a new driving offence?

Answering these questions will put you at a good place to determine how long the SR22 lasts. First, most states require a person to carry the certificate for three years. This is enough time to get the driver to realize their previous error and become more cautious as far as driving is concerned.

Nonetheless, some states require a year especially when the driver adheres to the SR-22 requirements.

But a person's driving record can elongate this period. If you get a second DUI charge while carrying SR22 insurance, you might be requested to re-file the insurance. Committing a second crime only proves your seeming “negligence,” and this might cost you more. Starting afresh won't be too good.

Again, failing to renew your insurance premiums when they expire can get your license revoked again. Since your auto insurance policy needs to be active when you hold the SR-22, you cannot afford to let it expire. Expired insurance equals a “useless” SR22 form.

Best Practices for Maintaining Your SR-22 Form

How can you ensure that your SR22 form remains active and doesn't get extended?

  • Take a driving course to improve your driving


  • Stay informed about your auto insurance expiration dates.

Both maintenance methods help you to maintain a good driving record while you carry the SR-22. Be sure that you do not commit a new crime. Otherwise, you might have to begin a new filing process with your insurance company.

From the second perspective, it's safer to pay your premiums on time or choose a plan that renews automatically. Of course, you have a lot more going on in your life to worry about. But allowing your auto insurance to elapse can be really wrong. Save yourself the stress and follow the dates, or have the payments automated.

With these suggestions, you get to keep the SR-22 form for the ideal time and regain your driving license at the due time.

Do you need help with filing SR-22? Reach out to us at We know the best tricks to get the best price.

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